When I was a child, candles formed a part of our daily lives. We lived on a smallholding with no Electricity for the first 6 years of my life, so we used candles and oil lamps for lighting. Now, with the power cuts we are experiencing in South Africa, many people have to revert to candle power once again. Many people don't have gas or oil lamps and cannot afford to buy them.

I, however

The warm glow of candle light on the face of a child brings such soft tones instead of the harsh brightness that the electric globe gives us. It emphasizes the innocence... On a cold winter's night the warmth encompasses us and is comforting and peaceful.
People are very quick to complain about not having "Electric Power", but the lack of it forces us to become quiet and reflect on our lives... No TV, Radio, or Computers... In this rushed life where we don't have the time to relax and have a good look at the life we are living - always chasing after something - never in one place long enough to appreciate life itself. Most people don't live their lives....they are too busy trying to control it to actually live it and enjoy it!!

I would love to be like a candle in other people's lives, bringing them warmth and softness - a vision of warmth instead of the cold reality of a life of chasing after rainbows.