As I stand at the end of yet another year, and I look back to the past year I have to reflect upon my many blessings. Sometimes they don't seem like blessings when they happen, but on hind sight I have to admit that I was never put in a situation that was bad for me, and I am grateful for that...
I am forever grateful for having friends who are always there for me whenever I need them. I know that I can depend on all my REAL friends any time of the night or day. I am also grateful that I can BE a friend..... to always be there for them too.
I am grateful for the gift of life and all it brings to me.....
Life is a gift that we must never take for granted. I am grateful for all my friends and family from North to South, from East to West - and everywhere in between. My friends who give me all the support I ever need - and then some!!
I face every new day with gratitude - whether it be sunshine or rain. Every night is a blessing - a time to rest and reflect upon the day that is just ending. We need every kind of day we are blessed with.... Those rainy days when I can be cosy in my home having a lovely comforting mug of hot chocolate. Then, when the sun comes out after the life-giving rain, everything is clean and bright and the birds seem to dance around with glee, singing and chirping with extra joy.
I am grateful for my home......
What would I do without the roof over my head - a place I can call home. A place I can feel safe.
More than anything else, though, I am grateful that I can call myself a child of God. That I have a Father whom I can call upon whenever I am in need - whenever I am in distress. I am grateful for the knowledge that my Father is my anchor no matter how rough the sea and how high the waves that break against my lifeboat. He will always be there to still the waters, to take my hand and lead the way - the right way for me, because I am as special to Him as each and every one of His children. It may not always be the way I want to go, but it will always be the RIGHT way for ME - the way I MUST go.
I am grateful!!! THANK YOU!!!
Some of my innermost feelings...some good, some bad. Some happy, some sad. I know that no matter what they are, my true friends will always understand....
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Everywhere we are met with the same messages......
Christmas is a time to be jolly.....
Christmas is a time to celebrate.....
Christmas is a time to toast.....
The question is.....
How and what should we celebrate, Why should we be jolly and what should we toast with???
To me Christmas IS a time to celebrate and be happy. To me Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, so we should be happy.

Many people profess to be Christians and that they believe in God and the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, when they go to church each Sunday, but Monday to Saturday they live a different life. A life of the worldly.... the life of a sinner. As long as they attend a Church service every Sunday, all is well with their lives.

I know that we are ALL sinners and that nobody is perfect and without fault, but do you try to live as Godly as possible? Do you try to live your life without hurting your neighbor? We forget how easy it is to hurt other people's feelings by an unkind word - often not meant to be unkind, but the recipient may be going through a hard time that you know nothing about. They may have a problem that they have not shared with others and something you may consider as innocent, may be very hurtful to them. Please - always be thoughtful of other people and their feelings.
Let us start the new year thinking of others before ourselves. Let us think twice before we drop a seemingly innocent remark, or do something thoughtless that could hurt other people. Think about how we would react to a similar situation. It is very rewarding to see the gratitude from someone who has been given a compliment, and the pride when they are asked for their opinion in a matter.
It is always much more rewarding to give than to receive - try it and you will see what I mean. I don't profess to be the perfect friend at all times, but I try my best. I have many friends from across the globe, and I always try and listen to their problems, and even if I can't always help them physically, I will always lend an ear and try and give advice wherever I can. That is usually all your friends need - to know that you are always there for them. They don't need a proffessional to tell them that they are special - only a real friend.
Can we all try and look for the positive - the good in people. Is it possible that we can change our outlook on life to find the beauty instead of the ugly - this will bring such peace to our lives that we won't even think of the bad things that are happening around us, and if we all look at life like that, there will be more and more peace in the world. Peace starts with each one of us and goodwill should be spread all around us, by us..... Try it - you may even like it!!
How wonderful that would be - to be able to celebrate PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TO ALL MEN!! After all, isn't that what Christmas should be all about.....
A time to be jolly....
A time to celebrate the right way.
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