When you complete your profile in social networks one of the questions that you often have to answer, is "What kind of music do you like", and this is my thoughts on that.
What more can you ask than the sound of crickets and the croak of frogs at night. The owl that hoots at midnight.
Listen to the birds singing happily on their way - especially at dusk and dawn. What is more beautiful than the dove calling for it's mate. The cry of a wolf in the distance, or a lion roaring to let the world know that he is the king of the animal world. Then there is the hyena's laugh that sounds so much like a human's that it could easily be mistaken for one.
These carefree and happy creatures don't worry about tomorrow. They know that they will be provided for.
Have you ever sat next to a brook and listened to the water rippling over the rocks and the cry of a fish eagle as it looks for its mate.

I have had the wonderful privilege of hearing the sound of a large flock of Flamingos flying over my head so low that I could hear the sound of their wings. It sounds like something exhaling very heavy and very long....the breath of something very large. It was such a wonderful sound - no man made music could compare.
The cry of a newborn baby is a reminder that life goes on, the wonder of someone who was created in the image of God by God.... A toddler talking to butterflies and flowers and "singing" with the birds. The innocence of these little people who have not a care in the world. They are happy in the knowledge that Mommy and Daddy will look after them, They will make sure that no harm will come to them.
How much more should we be happy in the knowledge that we are also looked after by our Father each and every day.
We should listen to the beautiful song of nature and know that we should never be concerned about tomorrow. If those beautiful creatures with their tiny little brains know that tomorrow will look after itself, how much more should we understand the Greatness and the Power of God, our Father.
Even silence is a beautiful sound. It is the sound of solitude and peace. A time you can be alone with your Creator without the noise of everyday life - Metal on metal, engines roaring, people fighting....... Silence is a much better sound than this!
I thank God for the music he provides every day in these simple things.
Look at these quotes - they inspire me, maybe they can do the same for you:
Listen what the poplar-tree- Ralph Waldo Emerson
And murmuring waters counselled me.
Nature inanimate employs sweet sounds,- William Cowper
But animated nature sweeter still,
To soothe and satisfy the human ear.
He who hears the rippling of rivers in these degenerate days will not utterly despair.- Henry David Thoreau
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