The Spider......
Another perfect creation of God…..
I see the delicately woven silk web spun to perfection, glistening in the early morning sun ~ the dewdrops sparkling like newly cut and polished diamonds in the rays of sunlight. 
The head ~ hairy, flattish and gray forms the first segment of the body, while the back segment is long and black with white spots that look like stripes until you see them closer. It sits in wait for some innocent insect to fly into the trap so neatly spun across the bare patch between two palm fronds.
Such a beautifully spun silken web that looks like a jewel, yet it is a deadly trap for the prey that have the misfortune to land in the sticky glue that keeps the silver strands together. They become entangled where they will soon die and become food for the spider.
That is life - and endless cycle. We all need food, and sometimes have to kill to get it.
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