I am grateful for all my blessings....
I am grateful for everything around me....
It is Spring and I love the new life it brings....I know I sound crazy but I live in South Africa which is in the Southern Hemisphere, so our seasons are opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere.

I love the beauty of the fresh young leaves that appear in Spring.... The blossoms on what seems like dead plants and trees. Soon the blossoms will turn to lovely fruit, to be enjoyed by all - humans, birds and animals alike. The abundance of nature is unbelievable. From nothing, or what seems like nothing, there are the most amazing flowers and fruit.
All the animals reproduce and their young are as welcome as the fruit on the trees and the fresh young shoots of grass that feed many of the animals.
The sound of tiny newly hatched birds calling for food - forever hungry - and the parents always tirelessly carrying food to them. They need this continuous flow of food to ensure their rapid growth so that they can find their wings and learn to fly before the next winter sets in. They have to be independent from their parents by then.
The new lambs and calves frolicking in the meadows are so energetic it inspires me to want to do so much more!!

Everywhere you look there are young ones - the wonders of nature.
Look and listen.....
it is a wonderful sight to see and beautiful music to my ears.
Hi Hyla,
I love your photograph and your post. How nice it is to celebrate the birth of spring...wherever you live.
Thanks for sharing your vision of spring with me.
Take care,
Lael Johnson
Hi Hyla,
Your photos are positively wonderful - I love those spring flowers and I truly enjoyed reading your post. How I wish we were moving into Spring instead of Fall, but to be fair, it's your turn for the nice weather! :)
Thanks for posting this lovely message.
Carol Deckert, Netweaving/Networking Coach
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