Coincidence or Destiny?
Communicating with people is one thing I derive a lot of pleasure from. I also pride myself on having quite a good memory - possibly because I take a real interest when I chat with others.
I also believe that everything that happens in life, happens for a reason, and here is an unbelievable but true story - something that happened to me.
I live in South Africa and my last name is Weimann..... A while back I received a message on Face Book from someone with the same last name, inquiring about our family background with the idea of possibly finding a connection. Although this gentleman used to live in South Africa, he had emigrated to the USA some years ago. It turned out that we did not seem to be related, and that was the end of that - or so I thought!!
About 30 days ago I received a message from a lady - also on Face Book - inquiring whether I knew someone, once again with the same last name as mine. She told me that she had applied for a passport for her daughter, and upon receipt of the passport, realized that it was not her daughter's, but the canceled passport of a little girl - the name she mentioned with the last name Weimann. She said that she would like to return the passport to the girl's parents as that is what she would have wished for herself had it been her daughter.
I immediately replied telling her that I live in South Africa and that the passport obviously belonged to someone in the USA. Her response to me was that she saw that I am from South Africa and the reason that she contacted me was that there were some entries in the passport to and from South Africa, so she thought that I may know the family. Then I remembered the gentleman who had contacted me before, and looked at his profile, and to my surprise, he actually lives in the same city as the lady who had the passport. I sent his details to her, and in turn she contacted him.
I think you know by now where I am going with this..... This man was the girl's father!! They arranged to meet so that the canceled passport could go to its rightful place!
Was it coincidence or destiny that brought the three of us together. I live thousands of miles away from two people who live in the same country, in the same city, and yet I was the instrument which was used to connected the two with each other.... three strangers who met by chance....coincidence, or destiny??
This is what one can expect from such an awsome lady!! The true person she is, will do everything in her power to see another person happy. Well done Hyla and welcome back. I hope to get some more posts on your blog very soon. Keep up with it, you owe it to yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to read the post and also leaving a comment. I know you are not feeling well, and the fact that you read it warms my heart.
Thanks again.... I'm glad that you liked the true story.
What a heart warming story! It brought tears to my eyes. I too am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. My son had an accident 13 years ago that left him paralized. All things do happen for a reason. Looking back, we now know what they were, why it happened and the roles our lives are to be lead. We only have to trust in God to lead us, as you did in your story. God gave you the lead and you took it. You will always be blessed for it.
What a heart warming story! It brought tears to my eyes. I too am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. My son had an accident 13 years ago that left him paralized. All things do happen for a reason. Looking back, we now know what they were, why it happened and the roles our lives are to be lead. We only have to trust in God to lead us, as you did in your story. God gave you the lead and you took it. You will always be blessed for it.
When it comes to distance, the Internet is the great equalizer. It seems most likely that the passport never would have reached the right person without your caring enough to follow up. And the Internet facilitated the process.
That's why I write articles and put them on my website. It's the only way I can connect with a lot of people at the speed of light.
I'm happy to be counted among your friends.
Thanks for your comment, Raymond. Would you like to leave the link to your website.
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