The message......
"What a special day..... 09/09/09 and we will only experience this once in our lifetime BUT.... God blesses us 90x90x90 times."
This statement is very true , but I want to add something to it....... What a pity that we so easily forget our blessings.
I know that every year has it's special days like 06/06/06 or 07/07/07, but to me 09/09/09 seems an extra special day - don't ask me why!!
When I think of blessings from God, I don't only think of my own blessings. He blesses every living thing in the universe. Just look around you - besides us humans, we have animals that are blessed with the knowledge of what to do to survive. They know how to bring their young into this world and how to feed them and keep them safe. They have the instinct that God gave them to know what is best for them and their young.

Many plants have a special built in instinct for survival. In drought stricken regions, such as a deserts, some seeds will lie dormant for years until there is a good down pour, which will let them spring into life.

It is a miracle to see arid regions suddenly burst into life with the most amazing plants blooming like there never was a day without them.

God creates new life every minute of the day and what a blessing!! The blessing of survival of all living things. The cycle of life.
Count your Blessings!!!
I love this poem written by Sandra Lewis Pringle.......
The Morning Glory
I awaken to the glory of the morn',
sunshine streaking, birds cheerfully cheeping,
another day is born.
The Morning Glory inaudibly climbs,
and shares its shy beauty, so rare.
And, we know that behind its mystery,
Our Creative God is there.
He blesses us with sunshine,
He blesses us with rain,
because it's only through the showers,
that do we not, remain the same.
So, as this new day awakens,
and I'm cradled securely in Your arms,
May Your love forever keep me safe,
and sheltered from all storms.
Hi Hyla,
I agree with you 100%. We are quick to find reasons to complain but if we keep quiet for just a while, look around us and take in the sights and scenes that appear around us, we will find that for each bad thing we can complain about, there is something we can thank God for.
Where are we looking? Someone can look at a dark, ominous cloud and immediately think of danger, or you can see the same cloud and thank God for His provision and blessing which is being brought by that cloud.
Love you photos Hyla.
Thanks Anthony,
Did you read my post about Heaven's Spotlights. I talks about something very similar to your comment. What is behaind those clouds... here is the link.
I hope you enjoy that too.
I'm glad you like the photos. I love taking them. I always have my camera with me and many blog posts were inspired by photo's that I took.
Hyla, thank you for sending the link to your beautiful post. I agree, everyday is special, we only have to look around us in wonder. I'm grateful always for the splendor of this world.
Hi Hyla,
You are one of my blessings. Thanks for sharing your blog post with me.
Beautiful and well said.
We do complain and forget to count our blessings. I needed to be made aware of my oversight of things.
I once read a story of a woman who was dying. She she looked at the window at the grass and the trees, she noticed that there were so many different shades of green that she never noticed before.
We need to be more aware of God's work of his creation and of His blessings to us. I need to Thank Him more often.
Thank you for sharing this.
Hi Hyla,
Eks bly dat daai sms vir jou 'n insperasie was om so 'n mooi gedagte vir ons almal te gee. Het dit ook by 'n spasiale vriendin gekry. Dis een van daai vriendinne wat net weet wanneer jy opgelug moet word net voordat jy in daai 'dumps' val. Net voordat jy regtig net so moedeloos is dat jy nie weet waarna toe nou nie.
Die pics is baie nice.
How wonderful to read such inspired words from a woman with such heavenly insight. All these things they tell the glory, God is alive, God is alive, God is Alive!!! Hyla is in inspiration to everyone who comes across this delightful source of positive energy reflecting the love of God for man!!!
Hi Hyla,
I loved this post. Its basically focuses the blessings we got from God. Well I am really inspired to count my blessings whenever I feel sad about anything. You have a profound sense to put up divine matters through HIS creation. The instantiation you have done is praise worthy...
I want to thank all of you who left such wonderful comments here. I am so glad that the post gave to others the way it was intended.
'n Spesiale inspirasie van 'n baie spesiale persoon. Baie gaan ek nie kan se nie maar ek wil baie graag die volgende stukkie skrif hier los want dit se meer as wat ek kan se aan hirdie wonderlike persoon, wat altyd 'n woord het om andere te inspireer.
There are gifts of many treasures
For both the young and old,
From the tiniest little trinkets
To great boxes filled with gold.
But, put them all together
And they could not stand in lieu,
Of the greatest gift of all
The gift of knowing you.
When your times are filled with troubles
Sadness, grief, or even doubt,
When all those things you planned on
Just aren't turning out.
Just turn and look behind you
From the place at which you stand,
And look for me through the shadows
And reach out for my hand.
I will lift from you your burden
And cry for you your tears,
Bear the pain of all your sorrows
Though it may be for a thousand years.
For in the end I would be happy
To have helped you start anew,
It's a small price to pay
For the gift of knowing you.
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