Monday, December 28, 2009


As I stand at the end of yet another year, and I look back to the past year I have to reflect upon my many blessings. Sometimes they don't seem like blessings when they happen, but on hind sight I have to admit that I was never put in a situation that was bad for me, and I am grateful for that...

I am forever grateful for having friends who are always there for me whenever I need them. I know that I can depend on all my REAL friends any time of the night or day. I am also grateful that I can BE a friend..... to always be there for them too.

I am grateful for the gift of life and all it brings to me.....

Life is a gift that we must never take for granted. I am grateful for all my friends and family from North to South, from East to West - and everywhere in between. My friends who give me all the support I ever need - and then some!!

I face every new day with gratitude - whether it be sunshine or rain. Every night is a blessing - a time to rest and reflect upon the day that is just ending. We need every kind of day we are blessed with.... Those rainy days when I can be cosy in my home having a lovely comforting mug of hot chocolate. Then, when the sun comes out after the life-giving rain, everything is clean and bright and the birds seem to dance around with glee, singing and chirping with extra joy.

I am grateful for my home......

What would I do without the roof over my head - a place I can call home. A place I can feel safe.

More than anything else, though, I am grateful that I can call myself a child of God. That I have a Father whom I can call upon whenever I am in need - whenever I am in distress. I am grateful for the knowledge that my Father is my anchor no matter how rough the sea and how high the waves that break against my lifeboat. He will always be there to still the waters, to take my hand and lead the way - the right way for me, because I am as special to Him as each and every one of His children. It may not always be the way I want to go, but it will always be the RIGHT way for ME - the way I MUST go.

I am grateful!!! THANK YOU!!!


Johan said...

Weereens wil dit lyk asof net ek ag slaan op jou en jou gedagtes. Ek is ook net so dankbaar dat ek 'n vriendin soos jy het, een wat altyd dieselfde is en een wat nooit skroom om te luister en te help. Hyla, ek is dankbaar om jou te ken en kan met alle eerlikheid en respek se dat wat jy op papier neerle, my aanraak.

Puik blog "post"!!. Jy moet nie ophou nie, jy het ;n pragtige talent. Hou so aan my girl.

Joh vriend,

Johan & Hester.

Bennett Rainey said...

Great post! It's a lot like one I did on gratitude. You might like it. Check it out at

It's basically just about appreciating what you have in life, not taking things for granted and enjoying what you have now. Good blog! Hopefully I'll hear from you